English blog
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Here are very small and basic summaries of the blog articles I’ve posted so far.
If you wish to read one, please drop a comment with the title and don’t forget to leave your e-mail so I can contact you when I’m done with the translation!
« Still Life of a Stillborn: Andromega in Ambivalentmetal-land » (Apr 27, 2017)
After listening to this album for more than six months, I felt like I had to write something about it. Andromega’s music is the kind that strikes to the guts.
« What We Are » (Mar 26, 2017)
First it was meant to be a mere live report. Then it became a whole X Japan tribute. Then, as if it were not long enough, my mind troubles got in the way, and it became my first truly autobiographical text, one where I really made an effort to remember. All in all, it grew to become an Art of Life of more than 20k words.
« The Diagnosis » (Feb 19, 2017)
I’ve unfortunately been diagnosed with a few things in my life. I wish I were fully at peace with them, learning to « live with it » and that’s all… But this final diagnosis was the last straw to my back. Now I have to get up again.
« On Tour: Fulfilling a Long-lost Dream » (Jan 29, 2017 – Feb 12, 2017)
I’ve been dreaming to follow the tour of a band I like since my teenage years -never mind the band, the important part was the touring. This year, thanks to various circumstances, I could fulfill this dream, and this is my humble tour report. (Featuring: Sabaton, as if I hadn’t written enough about them already).
« The Groupie Theory » (Jan 22, 2017)
I love people in general. And sometimes there are some people I adore. When they are fictional characters or faraway rock stars, that’s no problem, it even helps me a lot. It can become troublesome in some situations though.
« The Character in Your Life » (Jan 15, 2017)
My life is a story to tell. Everyone’s life is a story to tell. I’ve recently been asked « If you were a fictional character, who would you be? » Some answers were obvious, they got out straight away. Others needed a little more pondering. Here’s my general answer.
« Letting Go » (Jan 8, 2017)
It’s hard to accept to let things be. I’m only just starting. And thanks to another blog I read not long ago, I believe it might start with jewelry.
« Last Year, Next Year » (Jan 1, 2017)
I usually ?review my year in October because it seems rather logical for a writer to see where they’re at before starting NaNoWriMo. This year it was a bit late, but here’s an overview of what I’ve been at so far and my plans for the year to come. Good resolutions, yay!
« Finding the Spark » (Dec 25, 2016) ?
Due to a strong lack of inspiration, I found myself talking about lack of inspiration, and how to solve this problem by « unravelling the thread ».
« A Home Through Music and Words »? (Dec 18, 2016)
I have a very conflictual relationship with the notion of « home ». As I just found myself a new one (who knows for how long), I try to get a look back at the way I dealt with my previous ones and how, no matter what I do now, I feel like everywhere I am is my home. Even the bus I’ll be sitting in for a few hours.
« Roller Coaster Life » (Dec 11, 2016)
When too down, don’t worry: it’ll get back up again. Although sometimes you have to kick the ground to fly back.
« The Things That Work » (Dec 4, 2016)
Some would like us to believe that the same lifestyle works for everyone. Sadly, the realization that it is NOT the case often happens ?late, and the feeling of deception is huge. I’m just drawing a few lines on what has been working in my life, as opposed to what I had been TOLD would be working.
« Ace in Bed » (Nov 27, 2016)
I am an asexual. I get loads of questions about it. Here are the most common answers I can give, and how I deal with it all.
« A Trip to Ballistica, Land of Mark Zero » (Nov 25, 2016)
Mark Zero is a band from Gothenburg, they just got their album out, and I kind of fell head over heels.
« An Open Letter to Inspiration » (Aug 28, 2016)
Exactly what the title says. Sometimes you just have to speak it up.
« Discovery : Midnight Street and Their Tattooed Girl » (Jul 3, 2016)
Midnight Street is a cyberpunk cabaret band from Paris, and I fell in love with them.
« When I Grow Up, I Will… » (Jun 26, 2016)
They want me to choose what I’ll become when I grow up. But should I get only one choice? (Or how I discovered that « adulthood is a lie ».)
« Learning a Language : Swedish Considerations, Colume 1 » (Jun 21, 2016)
How I started learning Swedish… and how I completely failed and tried again.
« Subway Apnoea » (Jun 14, 2016)
Surviving in the grey city. It’s all a matter of observation and daydreaming.
« Paris is a Beast » (May 4, 2016)
I have a hard time dealing with Paris. And in May, I just couldn’t tame the Beast. So I just wrote it out.
« My Twitherapy » (Apr 29, 2016)
On the way I use Twitter and my other social networks. Spoiler: trust is a fundamental. Egocentrism may be one too.
« #DayNotFound 2016 » (Apr 5, 2016)
Celebrating 4/04 by telling my best stories on how I got REALLY REALLY REALLY lost.
« My Super-powers » (Apr 2, 2016)
Sometimes I feel so many things, I feel like I have superpowers. Written for World Autism Awareness Day, although my diagnosis is slightly different.
« So What’s Your Worth? » (Mar 11, 2016)
It’s always a question of doing, and not being. How much you can bring to society, and not how much you can bring to people around you. And it destroys people. Written for the French movement #OnVautMieuxQueCa (« We’re worth more than this » ?)
« New Head, New Life » (Mar 9, 2016)
Making changes to a website is never bad, and this time I had a whole new banner made by a great artist. He definitely deserved an article for himself.
« TFGA2 : Worst Deaths » (Feb 16, 2016)
TFGA = Top Five Games Addicts. Sometimes I do talk about videogames on this website, and these ones contain the worst death I ever experienced while playing.
« Sick Children, Unfinished Sentences, Level-1 Blender » (Feb 8, 2016)
This is how I write. Methodology, theme, and inspirations.
« Sparkling Cynicism » (Feb 1, 2016)
Cynicism is omnipresent around me. This time I got fed up with it. How to make cynicism constructive?
« I See, I Look, I Exist » (Jan 24, 2016)
Working in an amusement park is being a micro-tiny-ant in a huge anthill. And still we exist. A reflection on how we can get and give so much, because we also prove people that they exist.
« TFGA1 : Those Games That Deserved a Better Promotion » (Jan 17, 2016)
TFGA = Top Five Games Addicts. Sometimes I do talk about videogames, and these ones really should have more people playing them.
« New Job in Wonderland » (Dec 18, 2015)
Working in Wonderland. Or what it means to become a ride operator in Disneyland Paris, because people were curious about it.
« You’re Thinking Too Much » (Nov 12, 2015)
When I try and put words on how I’m feeling, this sentence is heard way too often. This is what I think of it.
« Struggling With Demons, Exorcizing Narcissus » (Nov 8, 2015)
Testimony on how my life could have been drastically shortened after a very toxic relationship — and especially why it grew so bad, and how I got away from it.
« My Methodology Rhymes with Emergency » (Jun 2, 2015)
From when I got my first published short story to how I always end up doing things at the very last minute.
« Society Burns » (Apr 21, 2015)
First long post on the blog (with references!) How I discovered what professional exhaustion really meant, and how it seems like every job I might take could end up in this due to the amazing culture.
« Bradbury Project » (Jan 7, 2015)
Basically, and explanation on how and why I tried to complete the Bradbury Project (one short story / week for one whole year) Spoiler: I failed (but still wrote a lot).
« Sunflowers: Freewriting in 40mn » (Oct 11, 2011)
Free writing exercise made during a writing workshop. Turned out to be a pondering on the way looking at people could tell you stories from afar.
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